Room Rentals

NHA Copley Administrative Center

41st Street
The Neighborhood House Association has rooms available for rental at two of our sites: NHA Administration Center, and 41st Street. Meeting Rooms are available by reservation only, subject to the approval of Neighborhood House Association. Please review the Meeting Room Rental Policies and Procedures before submitting a Room Use Application. Electronic versions of the Meeting Room Rental Policies and Procedures are available to download below:
Meeting Room Rental Policies and Procedures
Hard copies of these documents are available at all three sites. Completed applications can be submitted by mail in person at the addresses listed below:
Completed Applications for the NHA Administration Center:
Neighborhood House Association
Attn: Hortensia Casillas
5660 Copley Dr., San Diego, CA 92111
Completed Applications for 41st Street:
Neighborhood House Association
Attn: Lisa Gillespie
841 S. 41st Street San Diego CA, 92113
Completed applications must include:
- Completed Room Use Application
- Certificate of Insurance naming “Neighborhood House Association” as the additional insured
- Check for the rental fee and deposit must be made payable to “Neighborhood House Association”.
Complete room rental applications must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the date of the event!
Any questions concerning availability at 41st Street, please call Lisa Gillespie at 619.263.776l. Questions concerning availability at the NHA Administration Center call Hortensia Casillas at, 858.715.2642 ext. 187.