Experiencing motherhood can sometimes feel like climbing a mountain, but you’re not alone in your journey. Whether you’re trying to conceive, traveling the many adventures of pregnancy, enjoying the first few months of caring for your little cupcake, or feeling a bit anxious approaching the “Terrible Twos,” we asked our family of BIH moms to share resources to help you at many points of your motherhood journey.
Here are some of the resources shared:
- The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth
- Birthline of San Diego for life-affirming support and resources for pregnant women and families with young children
- Therapy for Black Girls to help with postpartum depression and mental health issues
- Curious Baby for fun games and activities for developmental cognitive growth
- First 5 First Steps for understanding milestones
- Black Angel Mom for moms who are coping and dealing with grief and loss
For the full list of resources, click here.
We want your voice to be heard! We would love to hear what resources have been a lifesaver for you at any point of your motherhood journey, so go ahead and share with us your go-to helpful websites, books, podcasts, and other sources of motherhood’s most vital information!