Traveling While Pregnant? Here's What Our Public Health Nurse Recommends

Planning a trip while expecting can be an exciting time, but it’s important to prioritize the safety and well-being of both you and your baby. Our mental health professional Jackie Gaynor offers some helpful advice, along with resources to review, to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey.

From my knowledge the safest time to travel is during the second trimester. However, that would also depend on each person’s medical history. So, I would really reinforce that you speak with your medical doctor at least a month or two in advance before you plan any major travel. Also, make sure you do not leave your children unattended in a car, especially during these high temperatures.

Below is the list of resources I recommend pregnant moms review before traveling, in addition to following up with their medical doctor before any travel- whether that be a road trip by car, train or plane.

March of Dimes: Travel during pregnancy | March of Dimes

CDC – Pregnant Travelers: Pregnant Travelers | Travelers’ Health | CDC

CDC – Traveling with Children: Traveling with Children | Travelers’ Health | CDC

ACOG – Traveling While Pregnant: Travel During Pregnancy | ACOG



If you have any questions or need more tips, feel free to reach out to me at