Board of Directors
Dr. Robert Brown
Dr. Brown specialization lies in leadership team culture that elevates wellness, and safety via relationships, earned his Doctorate in Leadership Studies and a Masters in Cross-Cultural counseling.
His numerous leadership experiences, and professions includes; Vice President (CHRO)-human resources, CRO-Chief Risk Office, Director of Program Management, Senior Project Management, Expert Mediator (extensive experience in workplace conflict resolutions), Financial Services Insurance Leadership, Law Enforcement Oversight- Collaboration-Wellness, Investigations, Auditing, Governmental Reporting and Compliance, University Research, Collective Bargaining, Contracts, Executive Coaching, Community Mental Health Engagement, Cross-Cultural Workplace Energy Designs and Work Place Violence Prevention.
In addition, he has serves on numerous industry and civic boards; McGill School of Success, SD Union Tribune, Citizens Law Enforcement Review Board (CLERB), Head Start Policy Council Board & Board Representative to Neighborhood House Association, California State University (CSU)-Risk Management Authority (CSURMA), CSU-Auxiliary Organizations Joint Powers Authority, Urban League of San Diego County, San Diego NAACP, and San Diego ASPCA-Humane Society.
Dr. Brown designed Workers’ Compensation-Captive insurance and Cyber Liability financing programs that save California State Universities and other entities hundreds of millions of dollars annually. Dr. Brown was University of Southern California’s (USC) Trojan Football Alumni President for 5 consecutive years. He was also a member of one of USC’s National Championship Teams.