April 4, 2011 By Alaina Bird It’s 5:30 a.m., and Kristine Smith’s 14-member staff has already been in the prep kitchen for an hour. Today’s lunch menu is tricolor rotini…
NHA Visits Sacramento
April 1, 2011 NHA Visits Sacramento NHA President and CEO Rudolph A. Johnson, III, COO Michael Kemp and Director of Community Affairs Luis Gonzalez paid a visit to Sacramento in…
Healthy Foods: Your Kids Will Eat Them!
January 23, 2011 Karla Robinson, MD Have you ever been frustrated with a picky eater? Wondering how to raise a child that enjoys healthy food options? Not sure how to…
San Diego Business Journal Ranks Neighborhood House Association Third Largest Nonprofit in San Diego
January 23, 2011 Click to open larger image of: San Diego Business Journal Ranks Neighborhood House Association Third Largest Nonprofit in San Diego.