Mona Minton, Ph.D.

Dr. Mona Minton is the General Manager of Programs/Clinics/Community Affairs at The Neighborhood House Association located in San Diego, CA. She an extensive background working with children, adolescence, adults and older adults struggling with chemical dependency, homelessness, life skills and mental health disorders.
Dr. Minton speaks and understands multiple languages (English, Spanish, Hindi and Gujarati) and currently serves on 6 committees throughout the East/Central San Diego and North County regions, lending her expertise to address a variety of socio-economic, gender and cultural issues. While working for other organizations such as Circle of Friends, Department of Family Services, North County Serenity House, Mental Health Systems, Donavan State Prison, and San Diego County Jails, Dr. Minton has made significant contributions in women and men’s prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery programs.
Born and raised in India until age 8. She is passionate about improving the quality of life for women, children and families. Her multi-cultural background enables her to view treatment options from varying perspectives that address socio-economic, gender inequality and stereotypes common to women of color.
With over 16 years of experience in clinical research and development, Dr. Minton is accustomed to working with diverse groups, the homeless population, and changing demographics that provide counseling and supportive services for drug and alcohol dependency, domestic violence, sex offenders, adolescence support, trauma and mental health.
Dr. Minton has experience working with the judicial system as an advocate for children, battered men, women and senior citizens. She worked with the Child Protective Custody Department of Family Services of Las Vegas for five years and has four years of experience working at the High Desert State Prison in Las Vegas. She has also worked with San Diego County jails for four years, all of which, she feels has broadened her understanding of individual’s issues as it relates to incarceration, reentry, recidivism and post re-entry linkages.
After being inspired by her own personal experiences of drug use, being in and out of court systems, family relationships, trauma and being a cancer survivor, Dr. Minton remains dedicated to men and women’s wellness, family advocacy and sharing her expertise with those in need.
Dr. Minton has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy.